

\ ˈkwik \ [fac_icon icon=”volume-up” color=”#000000″ color_hover=”#1e73be” font_size=”24px”]


1. done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity, as an action, process, etc.; prompt; immediate.
2. that is over or completed within a short interval of time.
3. moving, or able to move, with speed.



abrupt, active, agile, alert, brief, brisk, cursory, energetic, expeditious, express, fleet, flying, going, hasty, hurried, immediate, instantaneous, keen, nimble, prompt, rapid, sudden, swift


crawling, dallying, dawdling, deliberate, dillydallying, dragging, laggard, languid, late, leisurely, lingering, measured, plodding, poking, pokey, slowish, sluggish, tardy, unhurried, ultraslow


Prefix: un-

Suffix: -ness, -ly, -er


Origin and Etymology:
Middle English quik, from Old English cwic; akin to Old Norse kvikr living, Latin vivus living, vivere to live, Greek bios, zōē life

First Known Use: before 12th century.

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