quick \ ˈkwik \ [fac_icon icon=”volume-up” color=”#000000″ color_hover=”#1e73be” font_size=”24px”] adjective 1. done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity, as an action, process, etc.; prompt; immediate. 2. that is over or completed within a short interval of time. 3. moving, or able to move, with speed. Synonyms: abrupt, active, agile, alert, brief, brisk, cursory, energetic, expeditious, express,…
beyond be·yond \ bē-ˈänd \ [fac_icon icon=”volume-up” color=”#000000″ color_hover=”#1e73be” font_size=”24px”] adverb farther on or away preposition 1. on, at, or to the farther side of 2. farther on than; more distant than. 3. outside the understanding, limits, or reach of; past 4. superior to; surpassing; above 5. more than; in excess of; over and above noun 1. something that lies on or…
acrostic noun acros·tic \ ə-ˈkrȯs-tik , -ˈkräs- \ [fac_icon icon=”volume-up” color=”#000000″ color_hover=”#1e73be” font_size=”56″] a poem in which a set of letters (as the first letter of the lines) taken in order form a word or phrase a word (as radar) formed from the beginning letter or letters of each or most of the parts of a…
arbiter Hear it. noun ar·bi·ter \ ˈär-bə-tər \ 1: a person with power to decide a dispute :judge The mayor will act as the final arbiterin any dispute between board members. 2: a person or agency whose judgment or opinion is considered authoritative arbiters of taste arbitrator is a person chosen to settle differences in a disagreement arbitration is the act of judging, or…
valiant [fac_icon icon=”volume-up” color=”#000000″ color_hover=”#1e73be” font_size=”24px”] adjective val·iant \ ˈval-yənt \ 1. boldly courageous; brave; stout-hearted: a valiant soldier. 2. marked by or showing bravery or valor; heroic: to make a valiant effort. 3. worthy; excellent. valiantly (adverb) valiantness (noun) Synonyms: bold, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, greathearted, gutsy, gutty, heroic (also heroical), intrepid, lionhearted, manful, stalwart, stout, stouthearted, undauntable, undaunted, brave Antonyms:…
praise [fac_icon icon=”volume-up” color=”#000000″ color_hover=”#1e73be” font_size=”24px”] \ ˈprāz \ verb 1. to express approval or admiration of; commend; extol. 2. to offer grateful homage to (God or a deity), as in words or song. noun 3. the act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation; laudation. 4. the offering of grateful homage in words or song, as an…